The following photos were taken at our local watering hole, the 'Calypso', which is walking distance from Tres Amigos (although Ted and Liz usually drove). "Jersey G and the Drum Bum" were the entertainment for the evening. Awful name, great music.
Not this one, but I had to include it.
The matching earrings are courtesy of Liz. We loved going to La Farmacia on daily runs for chica jewelry, candy and sunscreen.
Jah mon!
Eb wanted mom to dance to bad, he finally pried her off of the barstool for about 30 seconds!
Late night card games. Apples to Apples was fun. Barb was the winner.
I am a mother, wife, daughter and sister. I have recently moved to the farm lands of Mid-Michigan with my family of four, leaving behind a career, family, friends, and the thriving community & abundant natural beauty of Traverse City. On the upside, I see my husband everday, we have purchased a house, and our children are thriving.
The purpose of this blog is to provide myself an opportunity to share my musings, as I tackle job hunting with record high unemployment rates, DIY home projects with little or no experience with tools, parenthood, and learning how to balance being a housewife and staying sane.
I love the earrings! The picture of you, Tim, and Ted is great...but they all are, really.