Saturday, April 24, 2010

World's Longest Bowling Game

Once a month, Ella's preschool has a Parent Interaction Day. On this day, there is no school and parents are asked to participate in a pre-determined activity with their child. Our most recent outing took place on Thursday - Earth Day. And what earth-friendly, age appropriate activity did the staff plan? BOWLING. Forget the fact that it's Earth Day and bowling has virtually no tie in with the environment (other than the fact that the earth and the ball are both round), but have you ever watched a four year old try to bowl? The balls are too heavy, so you can throw form out the window. And because these little guys are so tiny, those big heavy balls had a really hard time making it down the alley at all, let alone knocking over any pins!

Ella and her friend and fellow bowler, Macy.
The excited bowler.

She hated the shoes.

Struggling to hold the 6 pound ball.

Watch mom! Her max speed was 1.57 mph.

Of course, this was all lost on the kids, who had a great time bowling and playing with their friends and families. At the end of the game, which lasted well over one hour, scores and technique forgotten, I realized it didn't matter what we do, as long as we're doing it together.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Backyard Discoveries

I made two rather unfortunate discoveries today as I continued to poke around in our new back yard:

1) I really want to build a raised garden bed for some vegetables this year. I have never done this in the past due to our transient renter status, although I have dabbled here and there with tomatoes and herbs. So this Spring, I have started over 100 seedlings on our dining room table and yesterday, plotted out an area that I thought would get optimal sunshine. While we were outside this morning, shovels in hand, Tim pointed out that the leaves weren't out on the trees yet, so we couldn't be sure that this area would get enough sun. I did not factor leaves into the equation when choosing the area for a vegetable garden. Unfortunately, I don't think I can find a single 12' x 12' plot that will get enough full sun. The only other option is to put it on our patio, which is not that big and already houses our patio set. Once again feeling like a rookie, I have to rethink size and dimensions before moving forward. Good thing the seedlings will need a couple more weeks indoors. Frost warnings are in the forecast for next week!

2) I've been curious as to why there is an oval shaped rock garden in one of the garden beds near the back of our yard, so today I started to put the rocks into a wheel barrow to move to another location closer to the house. The kids quickly joined in, eager to help and get their hands dirty. Fifteen minutes into the project, three distinct mounds started to take shape. The words 'pet cemetery' instantly flashed through my mind, along with the recollection that the former owner did indeed bury her cats on the property. Needless to say, the rocks were replaced, and I am kinda horrified.

The Dog Whisperer

This dog came right up to Ted at the 'Calypso'
And this dog walked right up to Ted and sat on his foot. So cute!

Lunch with Tim

Check out my feather earrings! Yet another purchase from La Farmacia.

Empanadas for lunch.

Our neighbors

Horses appeared in our neighbors yard for an afternoon!

The next day, a HUGE Puerto Rican family showed up for a fiesta. Complete with their own portable deep fat fryer on wheels. They were gone by sunset.

Walking the Horse Trail

I happened across a trail that followed the coast line for about two miles. At times we were on the beach, while the trail also went up over areas with cliffs and rock faces. It was beautiful!


The following photos were taken at our local watering hole, the 'Calypso', which is walking distance from Tres Amigos (although Ted and Liz usually drove). "Jersey G and the Drum Bum" were the entertainment for the evening. Awful name, great music.

Not this one, but I had to include it.

The matching earrings are courtesy of Liz. We loved going to La Farmacia on daily runs for chica jewelry, candy and sunscreen.

Jah mon!

Eb wanted mom to dance to bad, he finally pried her off of the barstool for about 30 seconds!

Late night card games. Apples to Apples was fun. Barb was the winner.

Afternoon time

Barb sipping one of Eb's delicious daiquiri's. She looks so happy!

Ted cracked open a coconut! And he said you couldn't do it...

I love this picture! Note the hammock in the background. This was a coveted afternoon siesta spot.


Liz sporting her signature piece and festive fruity straw.

Ted relaxing on the patio.

Beach time

We spent most mornings down at the beach. Eb rented three boogie boards, which we shared and used frequently. The toughest part was swimming with our flippers out the long distance to get over the surf break. Once out there, it was just a waiting game to find the perfect wave to ride. Totally tubular!

Rincon, Puerto Rico

Our beach house was a dodecagon with two bedrooms upstairs and a cabana suite downstairs. Mom and Eb took the mini cottage down stairs, while the 'kids' laid claim on the upstairs bedrooms. These pictures are all from the back of the house. The front of the house faces the ocean, which is approx. 250 ft. in fron of us, separated by a vacant lot. Our beach access was a hot spot for the local surfer population. Liz and I enjoyed watching the 'sweet brah's' load up their boards at the end of each day.

Mom treated us to tapas and mojitos at Casa Islena on our first evening in Rincon. We ate outside for every meal we had while in Rincon. The breeze was always steady and warm!